Another Eternal Insight Blog

Michael Gray 1960-

All of us are penning a story. Each and every day is a page and it remains up to you what is written on it. Your story matters in this world. The word “story” literal translation is an account of incidents or events. I want you to think about this statement: “What will the world miss if you don’t tell your story”. Oh how I wish I would have taken the time to ask my Dad & Mom and grandparents more questions and let them tell me things that I will never know in this life. If I would have only written down some of the things that I was told in the years that are forever gone. As you grow older your memory often times is not as sharp. That is why it is so important to share our lives with our children and others while we are alive. Because once we pass from this life then all that remains are stories that will be recalled.

There are well known people that know how to tell a story publicly and I truly admire this. But a story does not have to be told publicly but can be shared with friends and others that enjoy listening to us. Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is a writer. Some stories are written in books and some are confined to hearts.

As we age, we begin to realize certain things. We realize that every minute doing one thing is a minute not doing something else, every choice is another choice not made, another path grown over and lost. If I could encourage each and every one of us to do is simply this: “Savor Life….don’t press too hard….don’t worry as much.”  My Grandfather used to chide me by telling me to stop and smell the roses. A good choice that we all can decide to make. Your story may not matter to the WHOLE world, but it matters in someone’s world and we must never forget that.

The End is used at the conclusion of a book or songs or movies. There is finality there. It seems to be saying …..I hope you enjoyed everything…but now it’s over. But in the human life when the end comes then comes a new beginning “eternity”. And that is the way we should live our lives, always understanding that eternity is in a moment. 

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