Who We Are?

Our Quest

Thank you for visiting. The purpose we all have is the ability to somehow help others along life’s highway. We hope what you read or see will help to enlighten you and cause you to see life from a different vantage point.

Eternity transcends time. This suggests that there is something beyond earthly understanding of past, present, and future. Eternity is a realm where time does not confine us and where all moments co-exist simultaneously. This fact can be both comforting and daunting. It challenges our finite views and perceptions of life and death. But when you embrace it, you will find beauty in each moment that comes because it reminds us that there is something and someone greater than ourselves in this vast universe where many times we seem so insignificant.

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Extraordinary Experiences

The greatest university happens to be life and so much that is learned is based on the decisions we make daily. I am one of those who have been to the point of pending death due to the fact that my liver was deteriorating and failing. I was blessed to get to experience my life being extended through a Liver Transplant. This has caused me to consider the value of a single moment and seek to understand how I might add more value to my life and others.

When we conceptualize eternity, we can look at the vastness of the universe and immerse ourselves in the depths of the black holes. And we begin to imagine numbers that are too great to calculate. But to truly understand and fully grasp eternity—-I would present you with a single solitary moment.

When I have examined a moment, it has caused me to understand eternity in a more perfect way. Because  to begin to understand eternity, one must understand the moment. It is difficult to wrap your mind around it but it is still true. Eternity is the past, present, and future all rolled up into one constant moment. If there is anything that exhibits eternity. It is that one single moment.

“For the Present is the point at which time touches eternity” said C. S. Lewis


“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV

Our Core Values

We accept that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is inerrant. We further understand that we live in a time where many choose to shrug their shoulders when confronted with error. Instead of asking like Pilate did in scripture: “What is truth?” Post modern man says, “Nothing is truth” or perhaps “There is truth, but cannot know it” someone has observed. Too many have grown accustomed to being lied to, and are comfortable with accepting the fact that truth is elusive and not attainable. But we announce that there is truth and it has a name: “Jesus” for we understand that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

And in light of eternity, our goal is to approach Scripture reverently and prayerfully, and when we find something we do not understand, we pray harder, we study more, and—if the answer still eludes us—We humbly acknowledge our own limitations in the face of the perfect Word of God.

And this site exists so truths and observations may be shared and our prayer is that they will give you pause to think and understand God in a deeper way.

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